I published a LinkedIn Post this morning, “2 key trends make ABM necessary today“. This blog post is the backstory.
There’s a difference between simplifying a concept and being simplistic. After speaking with the CEOs of todays top ABM solutions and demoing their capabilities, it’s very apparent to me that marketers who are evaluating this space are faced with an overabundance of simplistic rationale on the topic. This causes a lot of confusion and unnecessary work.
This LinkedIn Post is another step at helping to organize the topic of ABM, hopefully, enabling the growth of the practice. In the Post I unpack two key trends that elevate the need for a solid ABM strategy… the fact that B2B buyers are shifting their top of funnel research to resources outside of vendor websites, and the fact that existing Marketing Automation systems and CRM don’t support the growing reality of buyer activity, group activity.
However, all is not lost! Marketers who follow the 6 Keys to ABM will find that they can turn the tide on these trends. Read the Post to understand how marketers can use proper ABM strategy to bring buyers back int the top of funnel and shift their marketing technologies to understand group buying activities.
Check out the LinkedIn post, “2 key trends that make ABM necessary today”, and leave a comment!