Articles, Best Practice, Strategy, Uncategorized
Enterprise B2B Buying Decisions Influenced By 34 People In a recent LinkedIn Pulse article, “2 Key Trends Make Account Based Marketing necessary today”, I expanded on the idea as to why B2B marketers need to update their approach and underlying technical...
Awareness, Best Practice, Strategy, Vendors
In our recent research we found that 90% of high performing ABM programs create content that is versioned to achieve specific ABM objectives. Check out this short video to hear first hand from one of the worlds renowned experts in ABM content, Johan Sundstrand. As CEO...
Best Practice, Strategy, Thought Leadership, Vendors
Kevin Cunningham, CEO at MRP, has more than a decade of deployment experience in the Account Based Marketing space. About a year ago they acquired Prelytix, a player in the Predictive Analytics space. When I caught up with him last week via Skype we had a chance to...
Best Practice, Thought Leadership, Vendors
Jon Miller is focused on helping ABM practitioners drive successful metrics to their programs. An absolutely critical component of high-performance ABM. As follow up to his presentation at the launch of the ABM Consortium, Jon fielded a significant number of questions...