Thought Leadership, Vendors
I caught up with Kevin yesterday and had a chance to discuss what he sees on the horizon for 2016. He’s hearing a lot from his clients about how seamless connections between the elements of the ABM Capabilities Framework empowers marketers to scale and better...
Strategy, Thought Leadership, Vendors
Quoting a joke from Joe Chernov ( @jchernov ), Jon describes this as the year that marketers shift from talking about ABM to actually deploying it – no spoiler alert, watch the video! Jon also comments on the research and approach defined by the Account Based...
Strategy, Thought Leadership, Vendors
Once again I caught up with Christopher Engman from Vendemore. This time we discussed his thoughts about the new year and new trends for Account Based Marketing. Always in front of enterprise scale sales and marketing strategies, Christopher believes that the B2B...
Articles, Strategy, Thought Leadership, Vendors
Thank you to Ginger Conlon (@customeralchemy) and Jason Compton for a great Account Based Marketing article in Direct Marketing News! “The Magic of Account-Based Marketing”. Jason really pushed himself to conceive original and powerful content. He...
Best Practice, Strategy, Thought Leadership, Vendors
In reading Jon’s book, I really enjoyed the focus on performance and giving concrete ideas as to how marketers need to think of their deployments. Kicking off my thoughts, I’d like to start with a great quote from the book… “ABM is not a magic...