Great content, quality people
I’ve been out of office the last three days, participating in one of the best B2B Marketing events I’ve ever experienced. With a front row seat as emcee of the ABM In Action Live track for two days, I found the content was strategic, actionable, and believable. I say this because most event content generally sucks… it exists somewhere between a sales pitch and vague applications of technology as a strategy.
Content IS King
Let’s face it, you’re busy and have a budget. Spending a few thousand dollars and a few days out of the office isn’t an easy decision. Yeah, networking is good at many events but it doesn’t make the trip worthwhile, especially if it’s just a big vendor-fest.
The speakers, their topic and their approach need to be bang on or the whole experience is a waste of time.
This is the criteria I use when selecting an event and B2BMX hit it on all angles. Even a rare situation… the exhibit hall even produced some refreshingly strategic conversations. Sigh… I guess I’m saying that this was a rare occasion.
What's next?
Over the next week, I’ve got a plan… I’m going to pick three to four great presentations and bring home the key slides, take aways from those slides, and some quotes from the presenters. Stay tuned for more details and content, but up first I’ve already started the process with Matt Senatore and Terry Flaherty of SiriusDecision, and Danny Nail of SAP! More to come!